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What is an EPC (Energy Performance Certificate)
4 Nov 2023

What is an EPC (Energy Performance Certificate)

The EPC certificate, or "Certificado de Eficiencia Energética," is an important document in Spain that assesses and indicates the energy efficiency of a building. The aim of this certificate is to give both homeowners and buyers insight into the energy performance of a home, which helps to promote energy -efficient buildings and reduce energy consumption.

Some important points with regard to the EPC certificate in Spain are:

Mandatory for sale or rental: the EPC certificate is mandatory when offering or renting out a home in Spain. The seller or landlord is responsible for obtaining this certificate.

Classification and assessment: The certificate includes a classification on a scale from A to G, where A stands for very energy -efficient and G for very energy -efficient. The assessment is based on factors such as insulation, heating systems, ventilation, and lighting.

Expert evaluation: A qualified energy consultant carries out a thorough inspection to assess the energy efficiency of the building. This specialist determines the classification and provides recommendations for possible improvements.

Validity period: the EPC certificate is usually valid for 10 years. After this period it must be reassessed and updated.

Accessibility: The certificate must be handed over to potential buyers or tenants and must also be available to authorities and authorities charged with monitoring compliance.

Fines for non-compliance: not having a valid EPC certificate can lead to fines for the owner or the seller.

The EPC certificate plays an important role in efforts to promote energy efficiency and to contribute to a more sustainable real estate market in Spain. Potential buyers and tenants can make well -considered decisions on the energy performance of a home and the associated costs based on this certificate. When buying or renting a home in Spain, it is advisable to always ask about the EPC certificate and the corresponding classification.

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