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A mortgage in Spain
27 May 2024

A mortgage in Spain

There is a lot to consider when buying a property in Spain, and arranging a mortgage can be a complex process. Fortunately, we at CoBla are ready to guide and support you in obtaining the right financing for your dream home. Contact your bank in advance If you are considering a loan, it is...

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Retiring in Spain offers advantages
2 Apr 2024

Retiring in Spain offers advantages

Retiring in Spain offers significant advantages for many people compared to the Netherlands and Belgium. The pleasant climate, lower cost of living, and quality of life are just a few reasons why more and more people are choosing to spend their retirement years in Spain. One of the main...

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When purchasing a property in Spain there are several costs to consider
31 Mar 2024

When purchasing a property in Spain there are several costs to consider

When purchasing a property in Spain, there are several costs to consider in addition to the purchase price of the property itself. Some of these costs include: Transfer Tax (ITP - Impuesto de Transmisiones Patrimoniales): If you are buying an existing property, you will need to pay transfer...

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Renting out a property in Costa Blanca
24 Mar 2024

Renting out a property in Costa Blanca

If you are considering renting out a property in Costa Blanca, Spain, you are entering a market full of opportunities, given the high demand for holiday accommodations and long-term rental properties in this sun-soaked part of Europe. However, to ensure that your investment is profitable and to...

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Reduced inheritance taxes in the Comunidad Valenciana
14 Feb 2024

Reduced inheritance taxes in the Comunidad Valenciana

Do you have a home in the beautiful region of the Comunidad Valenciana?  Then we have great news for you! As of September 5, 2023 the government of the Valencian community has taken a decision that will have a positive impact on inheritance taxes, allowing heirs to benefit from...

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